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IFC is a diverse group of people united by a love for music and the joy of choral singing.


We strive to be a musical sanctuary and a home away from home; providing a safe, supportive and collaborative environment for all members to grow musically and nurture a passion for music.


Our repertoire is as diverse as our membership. Across our five decade history, we have performed jazz, opera, sacred, oratorio, madrigals, Renaissance, Baroque, classical, folk, Chinese, Asian and European music, as well as contemporary and traditional choral music.


In order to accommodate our diverse membership and their choral experience, the level of difficulty of our repertoire varies greatly. Some pieces are very accessible so that people of any proficiency can master them, and other pieces more challenging for those with additional choral experience. The IFC Chamber Choir, an auditioned subgroup of IFC, offers opportunities for more experienced singers who desire more challenge.


We warmly invite you to the IFC experience. Join us as we collaborate together to express our passion and joy for singing!


Choral Excellence

We value excellence in choral art which inspires and moves people, and brings them together


We value commitment to the collective organization, reflected in faithful attendance, preparation, and consistently giving our best effort


We value the inspiration that comes from musical and personal growth, and that seeks to better 

ourselves through artistic engagement


We seek to encourage, support and value one another, no matter the cultural, racial, or ethnic

background of our members.

Our core values say a lot about what we hold dear. We consider ourselves a team of volunteers brought together around a common cause - our passion for choral music. We expect engagement and commitment from our members, but are flexible with demanding work schedules. We welcome singers with various levels of experience, but we strive for the highest quality in our concert preparation.​


We value learning - improving our application of new skills, and the inspiration that comes from musical and personal growth, and that seeks to better ourselves through artistic engagement.


IFC members come from a variety of walks of life, from business professionals to stay-home parents, expats and Singaporeans and with as many countries as are represented on the island. We consider ourselves a choral family, who strive for excellence in our musicianship, and who support each other in the concert hall and the rehearsal hall.


©2023 by International Festival Chorus

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